Martin International Investing

Martin Investment Management, LLC’s international strategy, Martin International Investing, invests in non-U.S. companies in the developed world through a focused portfolio of approximately 25-30 mid to large capitalization equities. Prior to October 1, 2022, the Martin International Investing Strategy was named Tortue Capital™ Strategy, after October 1, 2022, the name of the strategy was changed to Martin International Investing.

The strategy invests in stocks that are considered to be high quality with above average growth rates. The investment philosophy is based on fundamental valuation methods. The firm looks at the basic economic characteristics and growth of the businesses in which it is investing and then uses its valuation methodology in making the investment decisions.

The strategy has a long-term focus and is actively managed with a low rate of portfolio turnover. In addition to individual company analysis, the firm reviews broad regional themes and assesses individual country fundamentals in the selection of holdings for Martin International Investing.

The portfolios of Martin International Investing are managed with the understanding that non-U.S. markets provide different opportunities and challenges to a portfolio of U.S. equities. Both ADRs (American Depository Receipts) and foreign ordinary shares are used in Martin International Investing accounts depending on an assessment of trading costs and liquidity. Currencies are not hedged in this strategy. However, the firm, with its sophisticated trading system, is capable of this function if the client requires it.

Martin International Investing

Non-U.S. developed market equities

  • 25-30 mid to large capitalization quality stocks
  • Bias toward companies which are global leaders
  • Mindful of company, country and macro risks
  • Reasonable valuations for the companies
  • Investing over market cycles with low portfolio turnover